Walk Through

Final Walk Through in Brentwood

I'm not particularly proud of the pictures, but wanted to give a glimpse into the condo after the occupants moved out and the place was cleaned. It looks like a completely different property. This has been a long listing (more on that in detail after it closes, which is slated for tomorrow), but looks like it will all end well for both my seller client's and the buyer. The new owner got themselves a terrific deal on a short sale, that with a bit of attention and upgrading could become a real "Wow" Penthouse unit in a prime Brentwood location. Out of all the so called "experienced" buyers and investors that saw the property, it took a 25 year old buyer and their parent's to see the real value here. During the final walk through last Friday, they made the comment, "If the occupant's moved out a long time ago and you had it cleaned like it is now, you would have sold it for a lot more money." I totally agree, and trust me had been saying that for sometime now. The kitchen and the bathroom finishes are definitely dated, but with the 18' soaring ceilings in the living and dining area, the bones are there to create something special. I look forward to see what the buyer ends up doing to take the unit to the next level, and hope they are able to enjoy the property for many years to come.

Pictures by Eric Smilay for Smilay Properties

If you would like to find a similar deal in Brentwood, or anywhere in Los Angeles, please contact us anytime @ 310.600.9172 or email smilayproperties@gmail.com.